House of Israel

FOOTNOTES / Septuagint

[1]   Jews "of the dispersion in Egypt" - (Thompson Chain-Reference / The Historical Bridge, Page.179

[0]  Ptolemy Philadelphus -
See PHASE 5, Page 6, III.B

[0]   Canon - A collection or list of sacred books accepted as genuine: the formation of the biblical canon.• the    
        works of a particular author or artist that are recognized as genuine: the Shakespeare canon.• the list of
        works considered to be permanently established as being of the highest quality:Hopkins was firmly
        established in the canon of English poetry.

[0]   Placed a high estimate - How did the House of Judah arrive at this point in Israel's History. (1005 BC? - 280
        BC? / 700+ years
. approx. / many generations)
        a.  We begin at the dedication of the first Temple (2Chron.5:1-14)
             (1)  This was the great peak, pinnacle, height, high(est) point
climax (end of) of Israel's journey from
in the Land promised to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob. (Exodus - 2Chron.5)
             (2)  However Solomon did "not fully follow the Lord" and the
kingdom of Israel was divided into two
                   The House of Israel and the House of Judah. (1Kings.10:1-29; 11:1-43)
             (3)  The House of Israel / 10 tribes (1Kings,12:20-21) NOTE: The Prophets were speaking to the House of
                    Israel, while speaking to us. (The Church 1Peter.10-12)
                    (a)  Jeroboam was the first king of Israel (1Kings.10:1-43; 12:1-33)
                    (b)  He fell into idolatry / made counterfeit priests, sacrifices on the Altar of Baal, false Feasts,
                          which resulted in them being removed from God's sight(1Kings.12:25-33, Jer.3:6-8,
See chart
             (4)  The House of Judah / 2 tribes (1Kings.12:20-21)
                    (a)  Rehoboam was the first king of the House of Judah
                    (b)  The Prophet
Jeremiah said that the House of Judah saw what was happening to the House of
                           Israel "yet her treacherous sister (the house of) Judah feared not, but went and played the
                           harlot also. (Jer.3:6-10)
(See chart)
                    (c)   This resulted in God sending them into 70 years (2Chron.36:22, Jer.29:10-11) of captivity to
                           the Babylonians, but not forever! (because they were
in covenant to be brought to Christ /
MESSIAH) Daniel prophesied (Dan.9:1-27) that after the 70 years, they would be released
restore and build Jerusalem. (Erza.1-10, Neh.1-13)

                           NOTE: This was the condition of the House of Judah and Israel leading up to
                           the Babylon captivity

             (5)  AFTER 70 years of captivity, "God the Lord stirred up the spirit of Cyrus king of Persia, that he
                   made a proclamation throughout all his kingdom, and put it also in writing," saying, that the House
                   of Judah were to be released from captivity "that the word of the Lord by the mouth of Jeremiah
                   might be fulfilled" (Jer.9:10-11 / Lev.25:1-7, 26:1-1-33, Dan.1:1-)
             (6)  They were released with God's blessing, eventually failed because of mixture in the camp 
                    (a)  The Book of Ezra
                    (b)  The Book of Nehemiah
                    (c)  Haggai.1-3 (NOTE: Haggai.2:1-9) / Zechariah.1-14 / Malachi.1-3
                    (d)  The reign of Media-Persia
             (7)  THEN came the REIGN OF THE EMPIRE OF GREECE (Daniel foresaw this Daniel.9:25-26)
                   (a)  An uninspired time, (400+) years / no voice from God
                   (b)  This was the waiting time for MESSIAH to be revealed

             (8)  A Brief review:
                   (a)  Solomon's Temple was the Zenith of Israel's History
                   (b)  After Solomon's Temple a decline set in
(See chart)
                   (c)  This resulted in the united Kingdom of Israel to be divided into the House of Israel (10 tribes)
                         and Judah (2 tribes)
                   (d)  The House of Israel (10 tribes) eventually were "removed" out of God's sight by the Assyrian's.
                   (e)  The House of Judah (2 tribes) was preserved because of God's covenant with David, but was
                         disciplined into the hands of the Babylonians for seventy years (70)
                   (f)  After the seventy years (70) God (who is
Sovereign and Providential) brought the House of
                         Judah over from captivity to restore and build Jerusalem, then wait for MESSIAH to come.
                   (g)  This brings us to the silent period / the time period of Greece / no prophetic voice from God /
                         but there were written Oral Torah (600-200 BC?) Talmud, Mishnah, Mishrash, Gemara and
                       the translating of Septuagint

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Need to finish Chart...................................

NOTE: How did the Jews "of the dispersion in Egypt" (during the 400 year silent period) find six (6) out of each of these ten (10) tribes to make up the "seventy-two" (72) translators who were employed by the direction of Ptolemy Philadelphus,[1] king of Egypt, (280 BC)?

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Oral Torah
(600-200 BC?)





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House of Judah