Footnotes - Phase 1

1.  The Amplified Bible - Explanation of Arbitrary Punctuation. Italics
2.  God Only Wrote One Bible, J.J. Ray, p.23  /  English Revised Version, Preface, pp.9-10  /  Westscott. History of the
     English Bible, pp.321- 325
3.  Evaluating Versions of the New Testament, E.W. Fowler, p.13
4.  Samuel Hemphill - History of the Revised Version, p.54-55  /  Evaluating Versions of the New Testament, p.4
5.  The King James Defended - E. F. Hills, Chap.8,6.(a),p.225
6.  Funk & Wagnalls Encyclopedia, Vol.21, p.288
7.  Eusebius. Ecclesiasstical History, Book 3, Chap.24
8, 9, 10. Funk & Wagnalla, Vol.19. p,441
11. Encyclopedia Britannica, (Origen)
12. Ante-Nicene Fathers, Vol.1, pp.434-435
13. Present day Truths - Iverson, p.14-15
14. Compton's Interactice Encyclopedia, "Constantine"
15. Eusebius, Ecclesiastical History, Book 5, Chap.8 / Encycloptian Tatian
16. Encyclopedia Britannica. "Arius"  Arius was a ascetical, moral leader of a Christian community in the area of Alexandria, 
      and attracted a large following through a message integrating Neoplatonism, which accented  the absolute oneness of the divinity as the highest    
      perfection, with a literal, rationalist approach to the New Testament texts.
17. "Constantine" - Compton's Interactive Encyclopedia, 1996
18. Sir Robert Anderson, L.C.B.L.D. p.48, The Church and the Bible  /  E. H. Broadbent - The Pilgrim Church, pp.21-22
19. Dr. Ira M. Price - Ancestary of the Englisah Bible, p.70  /  God Only Wrote One Bible- J.J. Ray, p.18
20. Encyclopedia Britannica, "Eusebius"
21. Dr. Ira M. Price - Ancestry of the English Bible, p.70  /  Hurst - History of the Christian Church, Vol.1 pp.36-37  /  God Only Wrote One Bible J.J. Ray, p.18 22. Origen- "Platoist." Isaac Newton’s The Chronology of Ancient Kingdoms Amended ( London : 1728),11. The Newton Project—University of Sussex, East  
      Sussex London: 2007,
23. The Traditional Text - Burgon Miller, p.163 / Catholic Encyclopedia, Vol.4, p.86 / The Cannon and Text of the New Testament, p.345  / The Ancestry of the
      - Dr. Ira M. Price, p.70 / A.T.Robertson , Intro of the New Testament, p.80 / Dr. Phillip schaff. Companion to Greek Testament, p.115. / Intro. to  
      the New Testament - Vol.2, p.270
24. Damnable - To deny Christ's Deity is to deny His Redeeming blood. Hebrews says if we willfully reject Christ's Redemption, "there remaineth  
      no more sacrifice for sins." (Heb.10:25-29) Once again revealing the eternal consequences of removing scripture that creates doubt, or
      rejecting Christ's Deity. This word has been translated as damnable (-nation), destruction, die, perdition, perish, pernicious ways, waste.
      Strong's NT #864
25. Crept - Strong's NT #3921


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